Are You Getting Enough of This Essential Nutrient?

You might assume that I’m about to discuss some vitamin or mineral that you are lacking in your diet, but I’m here to talk about something I believe is even more important…

In her book, “Love 2.0,” Dr. Barbara Fredrickson asserts that love is the essential nutrient for every cell of our body. Rather than a romantic experience, she defines love as a moment-to-moment experience of warm, mutual caring that we can feel with any person—even strangers—in everyday interactions.

Today, I had the privilege of being showered with love by those nearest and dearest to me in celebration of baby Ginny arriving earth side soon. I am blessed with a circle of women that show up for me consistently to demonstrate that I am worthy. They are generous with support and praise and they accept me unconditionally. 

Yesterday, I lead a yoga session with teen girls all about love. One student candidly shared that she has a hard time being kind to herself because she’s “not that great.” She explained that she feels undeserving of people doing nice things for her, and feels “conceited” if she makes herself a priority.

Can you relate? 

I know I have wrestled with the same questions, and it has taken me over a decade to come to a place where it feels so good to welcome all the attention and kindness my tribe freely offers me. I consciously open myself up to receive and gladly soak up the warmth of loved without any reservations.

I believe that we are only able to love others to the extent that we are able to love ourselves. Part of loving ourselves is letting love in — when we resist love from others we deprive ourselves of the essential nutrient for every cell of our body.

Here’s the other thing about love: it’s free and abundant! Regardless of what you may be conditioned to believe, you do not need to earn love. You do not need to wait until you achieve some particular status, until you change a bad behavior, until you…(fill in the blank). 

You, in this moment, exactly as you are, are worthy of love.

Let that soak in. If you struggle to believe this, you can borrow some faith from me <3


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