Podcast Interviews.
Third Dreamer Conversations — Race & Yoga
Join me & host David Miller for an in-depth and nuanced conversation about race from the perspective of white yoga teachers.
Splendid Yoga Podcast — The Corporate Yoga Revolution.
In this episode I discuss my experience working for CorePower: the self-proclaimed “Starbucks of yoga.” Tune in to hear about my experience navigating the corporate yoga world as a single mom & the very non-yogic policies she encountered around compensation, people management & the commodification of yoga.
Sex Talk. Love Talk — Religious Trauma, Self-pleasure, Young Motherhood & Talking with your kids about sex
Hear about my experience growing up in a religious cult and how it shaped my views on sex, love & trust. I share about leaving the community, finding sexual liberation & empowerment as a young adult and how it's all impacted the way I talk with my children about sex & love today.
Curious Monki — The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: How to use them in your life
In this episode I share about how yoga has transformed me from a distraught college student with severe chronic anxiety & depression into a confident woman who enjoys a strong and peaceful relationship with my inner world.
Get Up Nation Podcast — Episode 47
Listen in as I share my story of battling mental illness and how my yoga practice helped me become the hero of my own life. I share about my first encounter with yoga & how it has served as my anchor through the hardest moments of my life.